Snoring in Children & Toddlers: When to Worry

Is your child's snoring keeping you up at night? While it might seem like just a nuisance, persistent snoring in children and toddlers could be a sign of a more serious health issue.

Understanding Children's Snoring

Snoring in children is common but not normal. Children need to be able to breathe well while asleep for them to achieve deep, restorative sleep. While sleeping, they should be silent and still. However, if your child snores frequently or loudly, it might be a symptom of a condition called sleep disordered breathing. Sleep disordered breathing (SDB) is a condition that describes the spectrum of breathing abnormalities when we sleep. These can range from mild breathing issues arising from a congested nose to more severe conditions to snoring and sleep apnea.

When Should You Worry About Your Child's Snoring?

If your child's snoring is accompanied by frequent awakenings, gasping for air, or daytime sleepiness, it's time to seek professional help. Snoring can result in fragmented sleep patterns which can lead to symptoms that are mimic ADHD, learning disabilities, anxiety, and poor coping skills. A pediatric airway dentist can help assess and determine if the oral structures such as a tongue tie, high palate, enlarged tonsils or even chronic congestion are contributing to snoring. This in turn may result in referral for orthodontic treatment and evaluation with an Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT) specialist or Sleep Medicine specialist.

Identifying Risk Factors for Snoring in Children

Understanding the risk factors for snoring in children can be the key to early detection and treatment. Factors such as allergies, enlarged tonsils, obesity, and a family history of sleep apnea can increase the likelihood of snoring. Being aware of these risk factors allows parents to monitor their children more closely and seek professional advice when necessary. We also recommend routinely observing your child while they sleep to identify if there is any snoring, grinding, or mouth breathing occurring during sleep.

The Impact of Snoring on a Child's Health

Snoring in children can affect more than just sleep quality; it can also have a significant impact on their overall health and development. Issues like poor concentration, behavioral problems, and reduced academic performance are often linked to disrupted sleep patterns caused by snoring. Understanding these potential impacts emphasizes the importance of addressing snoring and sleep issues early on.

Navigating Through Diagnosis and Treatment

Getting a proper diagnosis for your child's snoring can feel overwhelming, but it's a crucial step towards finding a solution. A pediatric airway dentist will assess the oral structures to determine if treatment may include a visit to the ENT, orthodontic treatment, or better management of nasal congestion. Navigating through these options with a professional can demystify the process and set your child on a path to better sleep.

Don't Let Your Child's Snoring Keep You Up At Night

If your child's snoring is causing concern, it's time to take action. At Alamo Heights Pediatric Dentistry, Dr. Angie Sage is a highly skilled pediatric airway dentist ready to help. Reach out to us at (210) 822-8381 to request an appointment. Let's ensure your child gets the peaceful sleep they deserve.

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